Electronic Gambling Device Ban Passes Florida House

 The quick passage by the Florida House of Representatives of a measure designed to rid the state of gambling-parlor “internet cafes” has caused concern among the state’s online poker players, worried that the legislation’s language, in addition to the targeting of the internet cafes, will also result in a legal ban on online poker.

HB 155, the latest Florida House version of the bill, passed easily on Friday by a 108-7 vote. A similar bill, SB 1030, is currently under review by the Florida Senate Rules Committee, but is expected to receive similar rapid approval once it reaches the Senate floor.
The concern, first raised by Martin Shapiro on poker forum 2+2, is the broad definition of “slot machine or device.” In conjunction with other parts of the bill, these definitions appear to have the effect of defining all manner of devices and all games involving elements of chance—including skill-based ones—as part of the “slot machine” definition.
In addition, the bill attempts to define every possible avenue through which value can be transmitted: money, credit, allowance, etc. The bill’s inclusion of the word “information” in this category even stretches the value definition beyond physical items, in an attempt to short-circuit previous legal end runs by the internet cafes using electronic codes for access and credit.
Whether other businesses with the potential to be adversely affected by the scope of Florida’s internet-cafe measure push for changes in the law before its passage remains to be seen.
The bills’ hasty push through the legislative process comes as a reaction to a major political scandal and the recent resignation of Florida Lieutenant Governor Jenny Carroll, who was questioned in connection with the operations of Allied Veterans of the World. Authorities allege Allied Veterans of the World, which operated about 50 of the internet cafes, illegally diverted funds from the cafes without making the proper charitable donations as required under Florida law.
Nearly 60 people were arrested in the Allied crackdown, which is alleged to have redirected for other uses as much as $300 million in misappropriated funds. Carroll was not among those indicted in the sweep.
Also up for debate is whether the law, if passed, would have any actual effect on Florida’s online poker landscape. Given the bill’s clear focus on slot machine-type devices and uses, online poker sites serving Florida may see little reason to change their ways, though if online slots are also offered, they may rethink the equation.
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