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Offsidebet Poker - Blackjack




We offer to you six-deck Blackjack. To learn general rules for blackjack please click here.


To place a bet – left click on the amount you want to bet. Right Click will reduce the bet amount.


Deal – Split Buttons

Click on the Deal button to have the cards dealt

Hit – accept another card

Double – doubles your bet and dealt another card

Stand – refuse any further cards

New Game – to start a new game

Rebet – to place a bet, similar to previous one

Skip Turn – to skip your turn, when playing against real players on Multiplayer mode

Insurance – you are given chance to use the button, if dealer gets Ace as a high card.

Split – divides cards from your hand on to two


Please take on to account that according to the rules using Insurance, Split and Double buttons will double your bet stake, therefore you cannot use them if you don’t have enough money on your account



Multihand Mode


You can play Blackjack in Multihand mode, to do so please click on Multihand mode on the Lobby straight after you start the game. With multihand blackjack you can bet on several hands simultaneously – up to 3 online blackjack hands at a time – making it much more exciting and providing you with many more opportunities to win! To place such bet, click on the chip with a nominal you want to place, and then choose your bet zone. Each additional click on that zone will increase your bet amount. To play with two hands at a time you have to place bet on two zones, and three zones if you want to play with three hands.




Private group mode and Multiplayer Mode


You can use these modes to play with other players. In order to join to a Private Group, you are required to know Group name.

Please note: If player is inactive there will be given 15 seconds to respond, if player does not react, he will be STAND or SKIP.

If player gets disconnected during the game, he will be automatically removed from the table.




Casino Toolbar


There is a Tools menu at the bottom of the Game window.

Current Balance – Shows your current balance.

Cashier – clicking on it will open a new window, where you can deposit/withdraw your money from your casino account, and look at your account history.

Play for Real Money – This option is active only when you are Offline or Playing for Fun. Click on it will direct you to the Registration Page or to the Login page if you already have a real money casino account.

Chat – Click on it to activate chat, type in your message and click again (or Enter), a new chat window will open.






There are three most used options are located in the menu:


History – allow you to see your game history (not available “Offline”).

Options – allows you to change game and sound settings.

Help – directs you to the Help window (this one), and to Online support, in case you need to contact us during support desk working hours.






Click on this button will close current game window and transfer you to the Lobby. If you have Multiwindow option on, then you’ll see this button as Close, and Lobby if you are not in Multiwindow option.




Hot Keys


TAB – To switch from one button to another;

ENTER – To open highlighted button

SPACEBAR – To start a new game, same as NEW GAME button;

NUMBERS – Allows you to increase you bet, amount of active keys depends on allowed amount of chips for the player, and cold be changed;

ESC – Exit the game and return to Lobby;




Big Prize Notification


Winnings on $10,000 and more are considered as big, therefore it is required to be confirmed by operator.




Disconnection Notification


If you were disconnected during the game for real money, please go back as soon as possible, and login to the casino. You’ll be returned to your game to continue it.




Blackjack Rules


In Blackjack, the object of the game is to beat the dealer by having a hand that totals 21 (without going over) or is closer to 21 than the dealer's hand.

Player and dealer are dealt two cards each. Both players’ cards are dealt face up. The dealer's first card is dealt face down, the second card face up.

Player may take an additional card or stop. Player not allowed taking additional card if he already has 21.

Once all players have acted the dealer will turn over their face down card. If their hand is valued below 17 they must deal another card. They continue to take cards until their hand is valued at 17 or higher.

When the dealer has a hand of between 17 and 21, he will pay all players with a hand closer to 21 than his own. If the player's hand is the same value as the dealer's, the hand is a push or a tie, and the player keeps his stake. If the dealer’s hand busts, all remaining players will be paid.




Card Values


Aces can be used as either 1 or 11. Any hand that includes an ace has two values… a soft value and a hard value. I.e. if the hand is an ace-8, the hard value is 9, the soft value is 19. This hand would be able to play as a 9 or 19.

The King, Queen, Jack and Ten are 10 points each.

All other cards are worth their face values.





Double – You wish to double the amount you have bet on your hand and receive one further card only.

Split – This option is only available if your first 2 cards are of the same value. By choosing this option you will double your bet and receive two more cards. This effectively gives you 2 hands to play. Please note if you split Aces you are only dealt one more card to each hand and cannot hit for extra cards. 21 hit after splitting is not blackjack as the cards are not the first 2 dealt, and therefore only pays 1 to 1.

Insurance – - If the dealers face up card is an ace all players are offered an insurance bet. This bet is half the player's stake. In the event that the dealer has blackjack this bet will pay at 2 to 1. If the dealer does not have blackjack the bet is lost and the hands play as normal.




Offside Blackjack is following “Las Vegas Strip” rules, with some exceptions:


1. After each round cards are returned to the deck and deck is shuffled;

2. Player may decide not to split “split hand”;

3. Only one card is given while splitting ace;

4. Player can double after the split.




10 Card Charlie


There is a possibility that even receiving 10 cards will not give 21points. In that case player wins automatically, except when dealer has a blackjack.




Prize Payment Structure


Winning Hand 1 to 1

Insurance 2 to 1

Blackjack 3 to 1


  • 1669

  • 1816
  • 1537

  • 1543

  • 1549

  • 1546

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