Illinois Governor: Online Poker Too New

 Illinois Governor Pat Quinn may favor some form of gambling expansion, but he seems firm in his stance against online poker.

Earlier this month, an Illinois senate committee approved a broad gambling expansion bill that included regulation of online gambling, including poker.
Quinn had rebuffed attempts to invite more gambling in Illinois, but said he could favor the latest legislation if it addresses issues such as corruption.
Now lawmakers may also have to scratch online gambling from the bill. Quinn told an NPR reporter in the state’s capital that he thinks the idea is just too new.
“I think that’s problematic,” he said in the NPR report. “It’s a brand new idea and there hasn’t been much review on that at all. Anytime you have something brand new it shouldn’t just be thrown into a bill at the last minute.”
Last year, a bill that would have legalized online poker in the Land of Lincoln failed before it even reached the governor’s desk.
That could be a major blow to the liquidity of online poker, as Illinois has a population of more than 13 million. While Delaware, Nevada and New Jersey have legalized Internet poker, those states must forge a compact for interstate poker in order to potentially reach as many players as in Illinois alone.
Lawmakers included a ban on campaign contributions from the gambling industry and earmarked funds for education in attempt to appease the governor, but it may not be enough for Quinn.
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