Raymer Carries On Post-Arrest, Likes Wil Wheaton

 It's pretty safe to say the past couple of weeks have not been the best for Greg Raymer.

His arrest on prostitution charges blew up on worldwide news feeds, making him a target for plenty of nasty jokes, and the damage to his family may or may not be irreparable.
Still, in the less-than-traditional poker world, the consequences may not be so far reaching. By the looks of things he hasn’t lost any sponsors and, in the grand scheme, he's also received a lot of support from a lot of fans and fellow players.
Despite the public embarrassment Raymer is keeping his head up and carrying on with his poker career, as he very well should, and went online last night to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) for fans at poker forum FlopTurnRiver.
He couldn't answer much about his arrest but he did delve into a lot of candid and interesting topics including his work with the PPA, his stance on gay marriage and who he'd have at his ideal poker game.
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