AdamEvePoker Suspends Payments

 Alleged payment delays at Revolution Gaming have forced Adameve to suspend all poker withdrawals according to a notice on their main site. Poker is still being played, but management plans to segregate its players from the rest of the network on April 2.

AdamevePoker is promising players that they will be paid: “We assure everybody who will be affected by this very uneasy decision that all poker related withdrawals will be processed as soon as network covers all due settlements with AdamevePoker.”
Earlier this month AdamevePoker management announced plans for the suspension of withdrawals after they publicly outed the network for falling behind on its reconciliation payments to the site.
AdamevePoker, operates an independent cashier and until recently, players have expected cashouts to be processed in 1-3 business days. But processing times have ground to a halt as a result of trouble with payments from the network.
Poker forums have been full of complaints about payment delays at Revolution Gaming. The network is one of few that continue to accept US players, but the cash out delays have impacted players worldwide.
The notice also explains that players will be segregated from the main Revolution Gaming player pool as of April 2. The implication is that poker will continue to be played with existing account balances, but that liquidity will collapse to include only players registered with AdamevePoker.
Assuming that Adameve’s continuing casino operations demonstrate that the company plans to remain in business and has the capital to do so, poker players are vulnerable to the single risk that Revolution is going to make the expected payments.
Should it be unable to do so, AdamevePoker has not yet announced what its plans will be and whether it is capable of reimbursing its poker customers from its own resources.
The home page message ends with an apology: “Adameve apologies [sic] for any inconvenience caused by above move. All our poker players and partners can rest assured that Adameve and Revolution Network are doing its best to resolve this situation ASAP.”
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