Infiniti Poker Delays Launch

 Infiniti Poker, a new U.S.-friendly poker site that had projected a launch date of some time this spring, has postponed its roll out until the summer months.

"We are very pleased to update to all of our members that the final phase of our development is now in full swing and we thank all of you who continue to participate in our public beta test program," said an Infiniti Poker press release. "Your feedback continues to be very helpful and in the end will ensure the resounding success of Infiniti Poker's upcoming launch which is now slated for July-August of 2013. "
Upon officially launching, the innovative site plans to allow U.S. players to use Bitcoin digital currency in order to participate with rest-of-world players who will be afforded additional deposit options. Bitcoins are currently used as a payment processing function on only a few sites, most notably mobile operator Switch Poker and the U.S.-facing Seals With Clubs. But other more well-known poker rooms are reportedly considering adding Bitcoin to their online cashier cages.
Infiniti also has its sights on revolutionizing the poker webcam experience. While rooms such as 888 and Pokerview have toyed with the inclusion of a social and live element to online play via webcams, Infiniti Poker will be the first to introduce “Peripheral Resolution Interface.” Not yet available during the testing phase, PRI will seemingly allow players to view the action similar to the way its done at a live table. A player's main focus will be directed at the player of his or her choice, but a peripheral vision will also allow a view of players sitting on either side.
As explained on the Infiniti Poker Facebook page, "The Peripheral Resolution Interface (PRI) will allow you to change your POV of the table from Overhead Camera View to a virtual table setting." In order to focus on a particular player, simply click a '3D View' button to do so.
A select number of tables will have the webcam availability, which Infiniti is referring to as "Infinivision." Many posters at online poker forums have criticized webcam usage at previous poker rooms as being lame. Though attempts have been made to foster a more social "live table" atmosphere, the result has often been far from the intended goal. Time will tell if Infinivision's PRI concept will add to the online poker playing experience.
Infiniti Poker has lined up several pros in advance of its launch. Edwardo "Swag" Jackson, Jason Stern and Gavin Smith are all part of Team Infiniti, with Smith chosen for the role of team captain.
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