PokerStars Announces VIP Club Month

 PokerStars is once again stepping up their promotional game by providing as much extra value to its players as possible.  August has been dubbed “VIP Club Month” and they are living up to that name very well with $1 million prize draw tournaments, happy hours, WCOOP tickets, Trivia Satellites, and even a huge sale in the VIP Club Store.  August promises to be a month full of extra value, fun and excitement presented by PokerStars.

Tournament is a bit of a misnomer when talking about the $1 million guaranteed prize draw tournaments, as there is no actual poker action involved with them, but instead a simple drawing to award the prizes. If you were a SilverStar or GoldStar in July you will receive 1 entry automatically and if you were a PlatinumStar, SuperNova or SuperNova Elite in July you will receive 2 entries. You can gain more entries based on how many VPPs you earn during the month of August: if you earn 500 VPPs in August you get 1 entry, 1,500 VPPs will net you 2 entries, and achieving 7,500 VPPs for the month of August will get you a total of three entries.  If you want even more entries to be able to enter all 5 of the tournaments you can try one of the Trivia Satellites which give you entries based on how well you know the VIP Club at Pokerstars.  There are 5 tournaments total 3 awarding cash prizes and 2 awarding WCOOP tournament tickets.  The drawings will take place at the beginning of September.
During August 5th-11th PokerStars is also giving players an opportunity to earn VPPs and FPPs even faster.  If you play from 3:00 – 4:00, 10:00 – 11:00 and/or 19:00 – 20:00 ET you will earn rewards 50% faster because of the Happy Hour promotion.  These time slots provide a perfect chance for players to make huge strides in making their way to the next VIP level, and are short enough that you don’t have to dedicate an enormous amount of time to them.  Being able to earn FPPs faster will allow for players to take advantage of the huge sale happening at the VIP store which has some items marked down by 90%.
PokerStars is also running a special tournament on August 31st that will award 100 WCOOP Main Event tickets as the prize.  Any player who has achieved SilverStar or higher can enter this tournament for 25,000 FPPs and have a chance at the $5,200 Main Event ticket.  Even if you don’t have that many FPPs Stars is of course running lots of satellites that will allow you to get into the tournament for significantly less.
PokerStars is once again trying to prove why it is the leader in the poker world by offering value that no other site could or would offer.  If you are not located in the United States then you had better get on PokerStars this month to make sure you take full advantage of this wonderful promotion and get your share of the pie.
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