Sheldon Adelson Casino Fined for Underaged Gambling

 The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has announced that it has fined the parent company of the Sands Resort Casino in Bethlehem a total of $56,000 for four incidents in which minors were able to gamble and/or consume alcohol on the gaming floor.

As readers will note, the Sands' chairman and CEO is Sheldon Adelson, who is vehemently opposed to legalized Internet gambling as a scourge that will corrupt youth. Adelson has gone on record as saying that minors cannot be safeguarded from wagering online.
This is not the first time that the Bethlehem Sands has been cited for corrupting America's youth. Similar fines were levied in 2010, 2012, and earlier this year.
The Sands took steps to minimize such misdeeds in the future after the first incident in 2010 by providing guidance and training to employees. Whether the employee education program has been effective is a matter for debate considering the repeated violations.
Incidentally, Forbes just released its latest list of the wealthiest people in America. Adelson just missed the top ten of the Forbes 400, landing in 11th place with a net worth of $28.5 billion. That's $28,500,000,000
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