U.S. players anxious to file claims in the Full Tilt remission process will be pleased to know that emails from the claims administrator firm Garden City Group (GCG) have been landing in player in-boxes beginning yesterday and are continuing throughout today.
The submission of claims is scheduled to kick off tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18. After waiting almost 2 and 1/2 years to be reunited with their cash, it seems unlikely that many players will procrastinate in filing a Petition for Remission. However, for those who do tend to wait until the last minute to get things done, keep in mind that November 16 is the cut-off date.
There does seem to be some confusion among players who would like to know more about the process than has already been revealed. Some of the player queries include how to go about contesting the account balance that the GCG may have on record as of April 15, 2011, and what type of documentation will be required in submitting claims.
To ease the minds of players, the GCG has posted the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the official Full Tilt remission website. Account balances may be disputed, but those players who do will have to include documentation to back up their claims.
On the other hand, players who fully agree with the balance that GCG has listed for their accounts need only file the simple petition that includes providing a social security number and taxpayer ID. If you happen to owe the government money, that debt will likely be paid from your Full Tilt account balance.
As was alluded to last week by the Poker Players Alliance, there is a list of former players who will be excluded from the remission process. Those charged in conjunction with Black Friday legal matters of either a civil or criminal nature, as well as pro players who represented Full Tilt at any time, will not see their claims processed. Also, any employees, officers, affiliates or vendors of Full Tilt and its related companies can count on not being reimbursed.
Naturally, the remission process will not please everybody. But it will be putting more than $150 million back into the pockets of U.S. players. Those funds won't be arriving in your bank account until after all the claims are in at the mid-November deadline.
U.S. players who still have questions should check out the FAQs at www.fulltiltpokerclaims.com. If your questions have not been answered satisfactorily, the website provides other ways to contact the GCG with your concerns.