iPoker, the world's leading online poker network, has announced the coming implementation of a new optimization plan designed to enhance the poker experience for players.
The overall goal of the new plan is to provide players with a "better and simpler poker offering," iPoker Network Operations Manager Asaf Younger told PokerUpdate. This will be accomplished by making several changes that take into account both market trends and network statistics.
First on the list is a currency consolidation scheme that will phase out the usage of U.S. dollars on the tables. Currently, USD is the main currency at iPoker, but network activity shows that GBP and Euro tables have acquired a popularity that is equivalent or higher than that of American legal tender. This phase out includes cash and tournament action at iPoker.
Secondly, iPoker players have voiced their preference for "fun, fast, and easy to find games." With that in mind, the network will embark on condensing the lobby offerings "by having less negligible sitting options" in order to make accessing the games a much smoother process.
Players needn't worry over whether or not their favorite game variants will be streamlined. They won't. The choices will, however, be more "clear, simple and accessible." This change is also being made with an eye toward the popularity of mobile gambling and providing players on the go with greater ease in navigating from table to table.
The third matter to be addressed in iPoker's optimization plan is keeping in line with market trends. iPoker has always been keen on enriching game selections such as hosting Shootout and KO tournaments, as well as adding antes at various cash tables. The network will continue to "update our games selection with recent industry trends" in order to provide a pleasing portfolio of games to its valuable players.
Lastly, but perhaps most important to many, is protecting player funds. iPoker has undertaken an intense analysis of the losses suffered per player at every stake level offered. This investigation has resulted in the identification of specific segments that need to be removed "in order to protect our players and allow them a longer playing time for their deposit."
iPoker will commence to remove those segments with the aim of protecting less-skilled players. The entire online poker industry is currently shifting in the direction of improvements toward recreational players and iPoker has long been at the forefront of such efforts.
Further details that include actions and timelines regarding the new optimization plan at iPoker will be revealed next week, PokerUpdate has learned. The changes being readied are certain to improve upon the poker-playing experience at iPoker. The network's efforts will serve the purpose of allowing players who log on and play at iPoker skins to enjoy their time spent on the virtual felt even more than those players have been accustomed to in the past.