One of the premier iPoker skins, Titan Poker, has decided to continue offering games to Canadian citizens despite an earlier policy announcement that it would be leaving the Canadian market.
The official Titan Poker Twitter account confirmed this move, but very little other information has been given as to why it has decided to stay in the Great White North and why it had planned to leave in the first place. The best that can be deciphered is that it had something to do with local government policies and regulations, but it is difficult to get any clearer than that.
In an attempt to get players to continue making deposits, Titan Poker is offering some “Welcome Back” bonuses. However, it is unclear if this will have the desired effect, as some players may be weary of yet another policy shift by the company. Titan Poker and Mansion Poker decided to stop offering games in Denmark, Norway and Canada a week ago, but Titan Poker has since decided to service the Canadian market after all. The other countries are still on the list of jurisdictions that Titan is going to withdraw from. Further, Mansion Poker has yet to make an announcement cancelling it’s leaving of the Canadian market.
While poker is in a grey area in Canada, some problems have arisen, especially in recent months, with Canadian banks and institutions not processing poker payments and some banks shutting accounts down if a player conducts business with poker sites. These cases, however, are not uniform and trying to draw that many conclusions becomes problematic as most issues seem too anecdotal at best. This change in policy, though, should put poker players more at ease and they shouldn’t worry about a less favorable Canadian market.