Full Tilt Releases "Adrenaline Rush" Fast-Fold Variant

 Full Tilt rolled out the prototype of fast-fold poker with Rush Poker back in 2010 and has now gone a step further with "Adrenaline Rush."

Available at a variety of stake levels, Adrenaline Rush restricts all tables to 4-handed play and allows no wagering post-flop. Buy-ins range from 5 to 10 big blinds, with betting capped at 10 big blinds. Pre-flop options are basically only raise or fold, but a call may be necessary when an opponent's wager reaches the 10 BB maximum or covers a player's stack size.
“Full Tilt Poker players love the thrill and excitement of fast-paced, quick-fold action, and Adrenaline Rush pushes the envelope on speed and excitement,” Full Tilt head of marketing Sarne Lightman told PokerUpdate. “The name reflects the kind of emotional state the game delivers; it’s even faster than our original Rush Poker so you can pack in even more hands per hour, win even more pots and play against an even larger number of players.”
As is the norm in fast-fold poker, players belong to a pool and are hurriedly moved to a new table upon folding. The Adrenaline Rush software includes 'Raise Max' and 'Quick Fold' options designed to enhance the already lightning-quick pace.
Fast-fold poker is quite popular among a certain segment of players whose attention span may not be suited for poker action at its regular speed. The fast and furious action allows players to garner player points at a rate perhaps not fathomable prior to Rush Poker's release almost four years ago. Typically, the more player points earned, the greater rewards and bonuses players receive.
The market is inundated with fast-fold variants that have taken on names such as Zoom Poker, Blaze Poker, Speed Hold'em, and FastForward. A substantial percentage of online poker hands are played under this format throughout the industry.
Full Tilt attempted to secure a patent for its innovative Rush Poker concept in order to maintain exclusivity following the product launch in 2010. Rational Group continued in that quest after acquiring Full Tilt's assets from the DoJ in July, 2012. Last October, the U.S. Patent Office issued a rejection of the “Player-Entry Assignment and Ordering” patent application for Rush Poker.
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