Merge Network Banning Players in Regulated States

 Reports from various players at online poker forum 2 + 2 indicate that the Merge Gaming Network is no longer allowing players from regulated states such as New Jersey and Delaware to log onto network skins that include Carbon Poker.

A thread entitled "Banned from Carbon Poker" began at 2 + 2 last Thursday by New Jersey resident 'riverrunsred,' who posted an email he received from Carbon Poker. The email informed him that his "account has been banned as per restrictions set in your state." Posters who play at other Merge skins such as Sportsbook have chimed in with similar notices that will apparently end their playing days at the U.S.-friendly network.
Another poster from Delaware identified as 'Buffalo_Chiggens' informed his fellow players that Carbon Poker advised him that "we no longer offer online gaming services to members in Delaware." That's bad news for Delaware players who require more action than the state's regulated sites offer. Delaware Poker currently averages less than two dozen cash players, according to PokerScout.
The entire 2 + 2 thread only has 30 posts as of this writing, with a majority of the locked out players indicating that refunds will be made available in due course. One poster reports difficulties dealing with customer service in arranging to have his funds returned.
Should the banishment of players in regulated states become an industry norm for online poker rooms and networks who cater to the U.S., it could leave some players with no options to play online poker. Geolocation problems are still being reported by players in both Delaware and New Jersey who are having no success at gaining access to the regulated sites in their home states.
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