Michael Hajduk, CEO of Infiniti Poker broke a two week public silence with a statement emailed to pokerfuse ensuring players that they will begin to see their cash out requests processed soon.
In the next few days, people will start to receive their cash out requests after a period that we had to endure dealing with some off shore institutional bureaucracy. Yes it has been very frustrating as even our operational capital reserves were on lockdown and hence the temporary suspension of our server activity.
Infiniti Poker unexpectedly ceased its soft launch when the site went offline last month after being unable execute withdrawal requests, though difficulties processing withdrawals were not the reason for the site’s sudden disappearance according to Hajduk.
The current release of the Infiniti Poker client is in what the company calls a “soft launch” phase. However, players were able to pay real money cash game poker, depositing with Bitcoin and US dollars, and the site announced that players would be able to withdraw in Bitcoin.
Hajduk goes on to say that the problems are also delaying the test of the tournament module, “which has been ready for some time now.” He expressed his concern that posters on forums were linking the company’s problems with Mt Gox, the bitcoin exchange which has gone bankrupt, insisting that Infiniti Poker has no connections at all with that company.
The statement concluded with:
I’d like to assure as many people as I can at this point that our efforts to resolve the 3rd party issues have been ongoing and at the top of our priority list. I hope that once players start to receive their requests that this notion will be vindicated.
The difficulty Infiniti Poker now faces is that poker players have seen too many examples of online poker companies going bust to have much faith in company explanations—only actions speak. The danger of launching a genuine site before it is truly ready is that technical problems will be suspected to be more than they are.
The infinitipoker.com website remains offline, and players have not yet been able to access the poker client to withdraw their funds. Infiniti has released no new information to players via Twitter or in posts on 2+2.