Today’s Nevada Online Poker Market Smaller than Ultimate Poker’s Monopoly Days

 With the Nevada online poker market declining to new lows, the gap between the two major players in the market is shrinking.

WSOP Nevada, the market leader, is down 25% in the last 30 days, and has dropped below an average of 100 concurrent cash game players, its lowest point since October 2013.
Ultimate Poker Nevada has managed to retain more of its player base this Spring, traditionally a period of the year when online poker interest wains, down 10% in the same period.
Though still behind WSOP with an average of 68 concurrent cash game players, the gap between the two is narrowing and is the closest the pair have been since a brief period in January 2014.
The total Nevada market of an average of 160 players is its lowest point in over six months—in fact, it is lower than when there was only a single poker room in the market. During the five month period of May to September, Ultimate Poker enjoyed a monopoly on online poker in the state, and boasted concurrent cash game traffic of 180-220 cash game players.
Traditionally online poker markets continue to dwindle into summer as the weather improves and the days get longer; however, this should at least be partially offset in Nevada: the World Series of Poker, filling six weeks of the summer months, will draw crowds to Las Vegas and throw the game of poker into the spotlight. The two online poker rooms, WSOP in particular, will have the opportunity to market to many returning players.
The data is based on a seven-day moving average of concurrent cash game seats filled, observed by independent monitor PokerScout.
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