Another $15 Million in Full Tilt Payouts Set for June

 An updated notice by claims administrator Garden City Group (GCG) on the official Full Tilt remission website advises that another $15 million has been approved for payment next month by the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the DoJ.

That $15 million will land in the bank accounts of roughly 3,500 U.S. players "who submitted complete, timely or late Petitions confirming their FTP account balance." Also in line for reimbursement in this wave of payouts are players labeled as affiliates.
An exact date in which this latest round of players can expect their funds has not been specified, as the GCG narrowed it down only to "the middle of June." Further updates will be posted when the actual payout date approaches.
Players are advised to expect dummy deposits of zero ($0.00) dollars in their bank accounts prior to arrival of the true total, as that is the way that testing is done to ensure that each bank account is valid. Bear in mind that not all banks post such zero sum transactions, so players expecting payment should not be alarmed if their statements happen to lack proof of the test deposit.
The GCG also informs that some players set to be paid in mid-June owe the government money in the Treasury Offset Program. Those players can anticipate a deduction of their payment in order to satisfy the outstanding debt. Players in this category must complete and submit a Unified Financial Management System Vendor Request Form to receive any payment at all, notice of which will be sent to debt-laden players in upcoming weeks.
To date, more than $81 million has been repaid to former U.S. Full Tilt players whose funds had been lingering in cyberspace since Black Friday in 2011. Some $76 million was distributed to approximately 27,500 players in the first wave of payments on February 28, 2014, known henceforth as Green Friday. Another $5 million was dispensed to about 2,200 players via ACH on April Fools Day.
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