A survey conducted late last year by the Poker Players Alliance specifically asked Californians about their past experiences with PokerStars. According to the results, there is an extremely strong consumer sentiment in the state that would favor PokerStars entering the California market.
With more than 1,200 individuals polled, the PPA survey found that 82% rated the PokerStars experience as either excellent or very good.
Another 82% agreed that PokerStars demonstrates integrity to its customers (only 2% disagreed while 16% had no opinion).
A total of 84% of those surveyed believed that PokerStars treated players well when the site operated in the US.
A whopping 95% think that PokerStars should be licensed in California if online poker is eventually legalized in the state. Those same individuals would like to have the option to play on an online poker site operated by or supported by PokerStars software.
The poll was sent to PPA’s leading activists during the first two weeks of November 2013 in order to gauge members’ opinions in key states when it comes to PokerStars.
“We have heard from many of you regarding the future of PokerStars in the US, so we wish to get a sense of the community to help guide our decision-making,” the PPA letter reads.
The PPA has had a close relationship PokerStars, with the organization having received a large portion of its funding and membership from PokerStars in past years.
Last year, the PPA conducted a similar survey asking New Jersey members if they supported the AGA’s attempt to block PokerStars’ license application—94% did not.
A California tribal coalition agreement published Tuesday includes language that would specifically prohibit PokerStars from entering the California market due to its “bad actors” clause.
The clause, which is included in a draft bill text, would not allow online poker operators who conducted real money games in the US after 2006 to obtain a license.