Lock Poker Losing More Players

 The latest player traffic numbers posted by PokerScout show that Lock Poker has lost roughly 36% of its cash game action since late April when the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) requested the site provide an open dialogue with regard to unpaid player funds.

As many will recall, the PPA sent a letter to Lock representatives almost three months ago at the behest of players who are owed nearly $1 million. In the letter, the PPA cited Lock's propensity of "taking an unreasonable time in fulfilling its customers’ requests for return of their funds" in addition to mentioning that such payment requests have "languished over a year with no progress."
The lack of progress has apparently continued, as has Lock Poker's silence in the matter. What has not continued is cash game action at the site, as PokerScout estimates a current seven-day average of 35 players. That's down from the average of 55 players who frequented the site prior to the letter from the PPA in April. That letter was apparently filed by Lock representatives in the same trash bin as requests from individual players.
While the PPA letter may not have achieved its ultimate goal of payment to players, it seemingly has accomplished a secondary goal of alerting players and affiliates to the lack of payment issue and to avoid playing at the site. Hopefully, word will spread further to players who continue to patronize Lock Poker until that number is reduced even more.
In the meantime, Lock continues to tout promos such as rake chases, bad beat jackpots and guaranteed tournaments. Ask anyone still owed money from Lock and they will likely tell you that the only guarantee the site provides is that of a bad beat in the form of non-payment of funds.
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