Santa Ysabel Interactive on California Tribal Sovereignty Lawsuit

 Cruz Bustamante, spokesman for Santa Ysabel Interactive, an enterprise of the Santa Ysabel Tribal Development Corporation issued the following statement responding to the State of California’s lawsuit that attempts to severely undermine the inherent sovereign rights of the Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel and its Class II gaming rights under federal law pursuant to the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA).  

“The complaint filed this week by the State of California against the Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel lacks both substance and merit and attacks tribal sovereignty. We look forward to having the opportunity to demonstrate the legality, regulatory veracity and consumer safety of the Tribe’s interactive Class II bingo enterprise.  
“With this lawsuit, the State of California is attacking the sovereignty of all tribes. The suit is intent on obstructing the rights and economic vitality afforded to federally-recognized Indian tribes under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA). The State’s misguided attack completely ignores existing federal regulations and guidelines encompassed in the Cabazon Decision of the United States Supreme Court, which remains the law of the land. It is a thinly veiled attempt to weaken tribal governments as the State prepares to negotiate compacts with many of the California Tribes. This action by the State should be of great concern to all Tribes in California and elsewhere because it reflects a tactic that if successful would set a dangerous legal precedent that could be used in other jurisdictions to undermine and attack tribal sovereignty.”  
“Santa Ysabel Interactive and the Santa Ysabel Gaming Commission (SYGC) have constructed a business model and regulatory structure that is completely transparent and compliant with all applicable SYGC and NIGC regulations. The transparency is such that the SYGC regulations are and have been available to the public for months on the SYGC website. The Tribe has invited various California state and federal officials to review operations on a government-to-government basis. As of today, no representative from the office of the California Governor has accepted the invitation to visit the reservation to discuss Santa Ysabel Interactive.”  
Santa Ysabel Interactive and the Santa Ysabel Gaming Commission ( are committed to offering a safe, exciting and secure, quality real-money interactive gaming experience for legal California residents.  
Always Gamble Responsibly. If you need help please call 1.800.GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) Or text the word "support" to 53342.
About the Iipay Nation: The Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel is a federally recognized tribe in Southern California.
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