First Wave of Disputed Full Tilt Claims to Be Sent by March

 According to an email that a member of PocketFives received in recent days, the first payments sent to US players with disputed Full Tilt balances will go out no later than March 2015. How many players will be included in the initial distribution and what kinds of disputed claims will be paid out are not known.

The email sent from Garden City Group, the appointed Claims Administrator for Full Tilt, to the member of PocketFives read, "Thank you for your email. GCG is still working with the Department of Justice to evaluate disputed and new petitions. Currently, we do not have an exact timeline for when these petitions will be paid. However, we expect the first distribution for disputed petitioners to occur before the end of March 2015."
One of the last updates PocketFives published about players with disputed claims came in September, when we informed the community that these users would likely be separated from their funds until at least 2015, which turned out to be the case. At the time, Poker Players Alliance Executive Director John Pappas told PocketFives that Garden City Group staff were still bogged down with the claims evaluation process.
The last update in general from Garden City Group came in late October, with the organization asking players who provided incomplete or inaccurate banking information to change it by November 24. The last wave of payments sent to "petitioners who submitted complete, timely, or late petitions confirming their FTP account balance" went out in September to 600 recipients. The total money paid back that month was $1.8 million.
The filing deadline for all Full Tilt petitions was September 3. Players with disputed balances have been separated from their funds since Black Friday in 2011, almost four years ago. We'll keep you posted on the latest right here on PocketFives.
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