Macau regulator issues warning against illegal online gaming

 Macau's Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau has warned consumers against participating in online gaming, following public enquiries about sites which claim to be authorised by the regulator.

In a statement Friday, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau, known by its Portuguese acronym DICJ, warned that "so far, the Macau Government has never issued any online interactive gaming license to any companies", adding that all online interactive gambling websites in Macau "are considered illegal operations".
The regulator issued the statement in response to a rising number of public enquiries relating to online gaming sites which accept bets under the name of DICJ.
"The function of the DICJ is to monitor and supervise the various gambling activities. As such, the Bureau will not encourage, promote or operate any form of gambling activities," it said.
"Any unauthorized use of DICJ official website information and photos for promotional purposes without obtaining prior consent is an offense. The DICJ will not tolerate such illegal acts and will reserve the rights to pursue the matter through legal channel."
The regulator added that it continues to work closely with the Judiciary Police to fight against illegal online gambling activities.
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