Gaming Commission Appoints Executive Director

 Alan Dunch, Chairman of the Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission today [Aug 31] announced the appointment of Richard Schuetz as Executive Director of the Bermuda Gaming Commission.

“Mr. Schuetz is stepping down as a commissioner for the California Gambling Control Commission on August 31 to accept this post in Bermuda, and is set to begin work on September 1,” the announcement said.
Mr. Schuetz has worked as a senior executive in the gaming markets of Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Reno/Tahoe, Laughlin, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
“He has served on the boards of Shuffle Master Gaming, the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino [where he was also President & CEO], and Casino Publishing.
“He sat on the International Advisory Board for the Institute for the Study of Gambling Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada, Reno, and was the Co-moderator of the Institute’s Executive Development Program.
“He was named an Honorary Professor of Casino Marketing at the Baron N. Hilton School of Hotel Administration at the University of Houston; was the marketing columnist for Casino Executive Magazine; and has taught Casino Management & Regulation at the Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne in Switzerland, and at the University of Macau and Macau Polytechnic Institute in Macau, SAR China.
“Richard was the consultant to the City of Detroit as that city introduced casino gaming, and served in a like position for the state of Kansas as that state introduced casinos. He has lectured throughout the world on the topics of gaming, gaming regulation, and casino marketing.
“Mr. Schuetz received his degree in Business from the University of Nevada, Reno, and holds a Masters in Philosophy specializing in economic analysis from the University of Utah.
“Mr. Schuetz is also ADB PhD in Economics from the University of Utah, and his dissertation topic was on the Nevada Experience in Gaming Regulation for the period 1945-1966. Mr. Schuetz has published over 60 articles on gambling, gambling regulation, and casino marketing.”
Commission Chairman Dunch, in acknowledging this appointment stated: “All of us at the Commission are thrilled to have Richard join us in helping to introduce casinos to Bermuda.
“His extensive experience as both a casino operator and as a regulator make him ideally suited to ensure that the Bermuda casino experience operates with a high degree of integrity, and offers an additional world-class tourism amenity for Bermuda.
“In addition, Richard’s strong background in teaching and publishing on the subject of casino gaming and its regulation is exactly what the Commission needs to assist us in educating the people of Bermuda about the benefits of this new industry to the Island as a whole.”
Mr. Schuetz added, “It is a true honor to be entrusted with such an important task, and I am thrilled to be able to work hand-in-hand with the people of Bermuda to usher in this new chapter of Bermuda’s tourism and economic development.”
“The Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission is comprised of Chairman Dunch, Deputy Chairman Garry Madeiros, and members Ms. Judith Hall-Bean, Mr. Dennis Tucker, and Mr. Derek Ramm,” the announcement said.
“The Commission is assigned the responsibility of executing the Casino Gaming Act of 2014, designed to increase employment and investment through casino development.”
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