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Here you will find our answer to most frequently asked questions regarding your Poker Games on our web page.




  1. General questions
  2. Technical issues
  3. Game questions
  4. Tournaments questions
  5. Financial questions




1. General Questions




Am I eligible to play at Offsidebet Poker


YES, if you are already 18 years old, and it is not illegal in the country of your residence. Offsidebet Poker has the right to request an evidence of that anytime.

First of all, please register an account on our web page. Please click here.




How to start playing?


To start the game, please download and install Poker Client Software, using our Manual. Then register your poker nickname. As soon as the software is installed on your PC, you’ll be able to login to the Lobby and start playing or just view games.

Before playing for the first time, we recommend that you read Game Rules and Descriptions.




I downloaded SetupPoker.exe file, but cannot find it?


On the left corner of your desktop Click on Start button, then Search and click on Folders. Please type in SetupPoker.exe in the “File name” row.




I want to use more than one nickname. Can I set up two or more accounts?


NO, only one account is allowed.




Can I change my nickname?


NO, your nickname is unique. And by that nickname you and your game are known in Poker society. However, if your nickname is not neutral, we have a right to request to change it or delete it.




I lost my username and password?


If this is the case, please visit the Forgotten Password. Type in your Email address and your username. You will receive an email with your username and a new password. We would like to remind, that only small Latin characters and numbers can be used for passwords.




My account is temporarily blocked. Why?


Your account will be blocked automatically if you have entered wrong login or password for poker. It should be unlocked automatically 10 -15 minutes. Please check your password and login carefully.




How I can secure my account?


Never share your password with anyone! Remember: we will never ask you to provide us this information. You are solely responsible for the security of your password and login.




Can I change my password?


YES. And for security reasons, we recommend that you do it regularly. You can change it anytime you want to, please click here to change your password.

Reminder: Passwords cannot contain any Cyrillic characters. Please pay extra attention, as passwords are case sensitive.




What are the chat rules?


We like to maintain a friendly and pleasant atmosphere for all our players and visitors. Although we cannot be held responsible for any player conduct, we do reserve the right to refuse use of the poker room to anyone who violates our rules and we will act quickly against offenders. The following are strictly prohibited:


  • Threatening or insulting any player, visitor, or employee.
  • Using obscene language or profanity.
  • Racist remarks.
  • Revealing any cards held or passed.
  • Discussing any context of a hand in progress.
  • Agreeing to check a hand down when a third player is all-in.
  • Needlessly slowing down the game.
  • Making any statements to induce a player to act in a certain way.
  • Speaking any other language than English during a hand.
  • Collusion with any other player or cheating via text.
  • Bullying a player into leaving the table.


Violation of any of the above will result in either a warning, suspension of chat facilities, permanent removal of chat facilities, suspension of playing privileges, or permanent removal of playing privileges.





2. Technical issues




How to download Poker Client software?


Please use this link. If you are experiencing any difficulties please click here for the manual.

To download the poker client software you may use Reget, Download master, etc.

If you have any antivirus programme running, please stop it during download and installation.

In case you have any problems please contact our customer service department on [email protected], quoting the exact problem.




Poker Client is installed. How to start playing?


Once software is downloaded, double-click on the “Offsidebet” icon located on the desktop of your computer, or go to Start MenuProgramsOffsidebet Poker. Then you will have to be authorised by using your login and password, and create a poker nickname. If the nickname you entered is not unique, the system will ask you to provide another one.

You can start playing once registration is complete. To play for real money please use the “Cashier” and transfer the amount you want to use from your sports-betting account. To get more detailed information on how to register a nickname or transfer money, please click here.




I can’t hear any sounds. How to fix it?


Please use Main Menu for any settings including Sound Settings.




Do I have to go to every time I want to play Poker?


No. Just click on the “Offsidebet” icon on your desktop, and the software will automatically connect to the server.




How to delete temporary internet files?


  1. Right click on “Internet Explorer”
  2. Left click on “Properties”
  3. In the opened menu click on “Delete Temporary Internet Files”.
  4. Press OK.
  5. Now click on “Delete Cookies”
  6. Press OK
  7. Restart Internet Explorer.




How to update Poker Client?


You don’t have to do it manually, program will be updated automatically.




Is four coloured card deck available?


YES. You can choose it in “OPTIONS




Does iPoker work with Pokertracker?


Yes it does. For more information please go to




Is “Hand History” option available? And, if yes, do I have to activate it manually?


Yes, it is available. And if you want to disable it, please go to “OPTIONS” menu.




What happens if Internet connection is lost during the game?


No matter where you live, or what kit you’re using, the occasional broken connection is a fact of internet life. There can be a number of causes, including a dropped modem connection, problems with your ISP, network congestion on the Internet or your PC hanging or crashing.

If it does happen, our software has been designed to quickly attempt to reconnect you. The game will wait a reasonable time so that your connection can be re-established, but if you can’t be reconnected in time then the poker software will treat you as all-in so that you won’t be penalised for connection problems if you’re holding a strong hand. The all-in works in exactly the way it would if you didn’t have enough chips to cover a bet. Once you’re treated as all-in, a side pot is created in which the all-in player participates. If disconnection Protection is off, and game is disconnected, player’s cards will be fold. If player doesn’t start playing when he connected back, his cards will be fold.




What are the Minimum System Requirements?


  • Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista
  • 400MHz Pentium or faster CPU with at least 128MB of RAM
  • Minimum screen resolution of at least 800 by 600 pixels with 16-bit ("High Color")
  • At least 30MB of free disk space.





3. Game Questions




Can I try out your poker room without playing for money?


Absolutely. There's no charge for downloading our software and we offer play money tables where you can play for free. Go to Game Lobby, choose PLAY MONEY games, press JOIN THE TABLE, choose SEAT OPEN, get your chips and enjoy the game.




How many chips will I get for PLAY MONEY?


You will get 1000 chips on registration.




How do I get more play chips in my account?


To get some more chips, simply leave the table you’re at, or go to the main window (the one that lists all the tables and other options) and click the "My Account" button. You'll now be able to see your play money chip balance on the right hand side, along with a button called "Reset Play Money". Click "Reset Play Money" and you'll be instantly topped up with another 1000 chips. Now you're all fully reloaded and ready to go back and give it another go.




What do I do if the table I want to play at is full?


Simply join the waiting list, and when a seat becomes available we will call you to your seat.




How to start a Game if Table is not full?


As soon as there are two active players who have joined the game, it will start automatically within 30 sec.




Can I play at more than one table?


Yes, you can. Warning window will appear, each time you have to bet on another table. We recommend this option only for experienced players. And please make sure that you are not slowing the game for other players. For your comfort you may want to use the “Mini Table” mode.




How long I can “Sit Out”?


Currently you'll be moved from a table if you sit out for more than 15 min.




Can I change my seat during the game?


No, the only way to change your seat is to leave the game and then return back. In this case you will be treated as a new player, and if there is somebody on a waiting list you’ll have to wait as well.




What is a “Game (Hand) Number”? And why do I need it?


Each game has its unique number, so whenever you want to look at the game history, or you suspect something regarding this game, just remember game number and contact customer service.




Can I deposit money in to my account while at a table?


Yes you can, please open the Lobby window, go to Cashier and select Deposit.




How do I get more play chips while at a table?


You can do it by using “Get more chips” option on the bottom of the game window. Added chips will appear, when current hand (game) is finished. You cannot add more than the maximum Buy-in amount for that game.




Can I and my friend play at the same table, even if we are connected from the same IP Address?


For security reasons, players are not allowed to do that.




What is the Minimum Buy-In amount for Real Money Games?


You can work out minimum Buy-In amount by multiplying Minimum stake for the game by 10.




What happens if I lose my connection? And I didn’t rejoin the Game?


If you have not managed to reconnect during that period, the system will apply the appropriate default action at that time. This may involve treating you as all-in for a particular hand, folding you or checking you. Please note, at no time will the system bet money on your behalf! Players are granted fixed number of all-in events in a 24-hour period.





4. Tournament Questions




What is a Sit & Go Tournament?


It is usually a one-table tournament, it starts when all seats are full, and game continues until one player wins all chips.




What is Multi Table Tournament?


Each multi-table tournament has a set start date and time, with all players registering to play in advance. Featuring up to 1000 players, multi-table tournaments mirror how real world poker tournaments work, and are an exciting way of putting your wits against other players to take often substantial prizes. As the tournament progresses and players get knocked out, tables are closed and players are reseated to make sure that tables remain well balanced. Table and seat re-assignment is again conducted at random, but takes into consideration your position in relation to the blinds so you don't lose out.




How long does it take to get my tournament winnings?


Prizes for tournaments will be given only when a tournament is finished.




Why entry fee is divided into two?


Reason for that is that in non-tournament games there is a commission taken for table; however it is different for tournaments, because they got limits for chips. Therefore entry fee is divided in two: 1 goes to the Prize Bank and 2 is a commission.




What if two players leave the Game at the same time?


In that case the player who had more chips will be on a higher position.




Can I use OPPs to register for the tournaments?


Yes you can. There are some tournaments which are only available for players with a certain amount of OPP.




Do you have any other poker tournaments, apart from Hold’em?


Currently we are in process of opening Omaha Tournaments.




What is a Payment System for tournaments?


Please click here for this information.





5. Financial questions




You may visit the ” Deposits” and “Withdrawals” sections for information regarding cashing out and depositing money on your account.


How do I get money onto the site?


You must first set up a main account and then make a deposit using one of the various supported payment methods. When you register with the poker room, your screen name becomes tied to your main account and whenever you take a seat at a real money table you request chips from your main account.




How do I get money out of the poker room?


Visit the My Account section to initiate a withdrawal.




What is your Rake Policy?


Please, click here to visit the Rake Information page.


  • 1669

  • 1816
  • 1537

  • 1543

  • 1549

  • 1546

  • Getting Started Poker in 4 steps

    Step 1 Step 2
    Step 3 Step 4