Banking on the success of its worldwide restaurants that feature attractive and often well-endowed waitresses, Hooters has launched a free-play poker site in the state of Illinois.
Banking on the success of its worldwide restaurants that feature attractive and often well-endowed waitresses, Hooters has launched a free-play poker site in the state of Illinois.
Nevada officials are considering forming a compact with New Jersey to allow for interstate online gambling compacts, MGM CEO Jim Murren said in an interview Tuesday.
The Bodog Poker Network has quietly launched Zone Poker, its take on fast-fold poker, making Bovada the first online poker room open to US players to offer the poker variant since Black Friday.
The Big Game VII recently announced its move to join the bwin WPT Merit Cyprus Classic at the Merit Crystal Cove Casino and Resort in Cyprus to run its next televised 12 hour cash game.
Following oral arguments heard in June, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed the decision of Jack B. Weinstein to dismiss the indictment against Lawrence DiCristina for violating the Illegal Gambling Business Act (IGBA) by running an illegal poker game, and set aside the jury’s guilty verdict on Tuesday.
Believe it or not, not everyone is ecstatic over the fact that the Full Tilt remission process for U.S. players will calculate reimbursement by account balances as of April 15, 2011, the date on which the DoJ seized the domain and shut down the site to Americans.
Realizing that you have to pick your battles with an eye toward going forth with those that have the best chance of winning, PokerStars has abandoned its attempt to purchase the Atlantic Club casino.
PokerStars is once again stepping up their promotional game by providing as much extra value to its players as possible. August has been dubbed “VIP Club Month” and they are living up to that name very well with $1 million prize draw tournaments, happy hours, WCOOP tickets, Trivia Satellites, and even a huge sale in the VIP Club Store. August promises to be a month full of extra value, fun and excitement presented by PokerStars.
Sam Holden is the latest poker pro to confirm he will be playing the PokerListings Battle of Malta in September.
Australia recently made headlines in the gaming world after hotel and casino company Crown outlined plans to construct a High Roller VIP casino in the city of Sydney.